We don't know. Now you won't either.
There is no expertise to be found here; it is but the spinning of wheels. What can be found, however, is two clueless troubadours asking some of the questions you might have felt like you were the only one asking.
Come, overthink with us.
Episode 11: Consistent Resistant
As difficult as it is, some days, to bring oneself to be creative, it can seem almost impossible to envision a life in which creativity happens on a consistent basis. This can seem even more insurmountable if one finds that, on those rare days of creative output, it is more the result of a frenzied and exhausting overdrive than a balanced, peace-giving, and sustainable cruise control (yes, John recently watched the Cars movies).
Fortunately for you, having just returned from a (totally planned) multi-month hiatus, Brett and John could be seen as experts in inconsistency. Unfortunately for you, Brett and John aren’t experts in anything—though they do have some thoughts on what healthy and consistent creativity can look like… you know, in theory.
-Is it possible to develop a disciplined practice of creativity, and if so, can it be done without sacrificing the romanticized visions one has for artistic authenticity?
-By recalibrating our artistic purpose to prioritize joy and personal nourishment, can one override the internal pressures and critiques to more consistently create—without sacrificing what might be a legitimate dream of making a career out of art?
-For all the raving about Jarod K. Anderson in this episode, might Brett and John consider just recommending his podcast instead?
As always, this podcast offers no definitive answers to these questions (except maybe that last one, it’s called the Cryptonaturalist, and yes, you should check that out, but we tell ourselves Brett’s mom would be disappointed if we just stopped ours). This is but the consistent (?) chattering of chums. However, if you find yourself searching for an oasis of inspiration in an ever growing desert of inconsistency, this podcast is for you.
Come, overthink with us!