We don't know. Now you won't either.
There is no expertise to be found here; it is but the spinning of wheels. What can be found, however, is two clueless troubadours asking some of the questions you might have felt like you were the only one asking.
Come, overthink with us.
17 episodes
Episode 17: The Ego Orbit aka NARCISSISTS
You know the type. Sometimes when we find ourselves hurling sheepishly through our own galaxy wondering if there’s any other life out there, and, if there is, whether they’ll find any priceless minerals beneath our stony exterior—yep, reall...
Season 2
Episode 17

Episode 16: Perfecting Your Perfectionism
Though it’s safe to say that, if you’re listening to this podcast, you’re day isn’t going perfectly, are you the type that’s bothered by that sort of thing? How often do you find yourself chained by the exhausting anxiety of perfectionism? Do y...
Season 2
Episode 16

Episode 15: Pro is for Prolific or Procrastinate?
It’s an age old artistic question: does the aim of being professionally creative destroy or empower the impetus for actual creation? Whereas one’s mind may go to the adage of “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” anyone ...
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode 14: Sabotage!!!
We know what we want. We know when we want it. We think, at least. Every time we actually get serious about our dreams we find ourselves resisting every step towards actually fulfilling them. What gives? What is it about actually starting to se...
Season 2
Episode 14

Episode 12: Self-Hell
In the early innings of yet another new year, compelled to take on fresh resolutions and (likely short-lived) self-improvement projects, it can be difficult not to get overwhelmed by the incessant pressure to always be working on oneself. Of co...
Season 2
Episode 12

Episode 13: Don't Look Back In Anger?
We all have moments in our lives that we look back on and cringe. Maybe it’s a legitimate regret at an opportunity we wish our previous self had taken or a situation we could have handled differently. Maybe it’s something as truly heinous a...
Season 2
Episode 13

Episode 11: Consistent Resistant
As difficult as it is, some days, to bring oneself to be creative, it can seem almost impossible to envision a life in which creativity happens on a consistent basis. This can seem even more insurmountable if one finds that, on those rare d...
Season 2
Episode 11

Episode 10: The Re-Creative Process
When was the last time we really loved what we were doing? Really loved the art that we set out, however long ago, to create and the art made by others? For some of us (!?!), maybe that was as recently as today, but for many of us, that l...
Season 2
Episode 10

Episode 9: Hope is the Thing with Tethers
Is it just us or has everything been feeling a little stagnant lately? As we find ourselves caught in the monotonous whirlpool of tending to responsibilities, making ends meet, and feeling just that much older every time we come up for air, it ...
Season 2
Episode 9

Episode 8: The Limitation Game
What is true artistic freedom? We’d all almost certainly argue that it looks something like having no boundaries or restrictions to one’s creative process or the time needed to perfect it. Maybe it means having the resources to rent a studio an...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Last Place in the Rat Race
Why is it that no matter how vigorously we run the race of life, we always end up feeling like we’re falling behind? Whether we’re losing ground, time, or patience, why do we invariably get so bogged down by what we know to be but mundane detou...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Friends In No Places.
A good friend can be hard to find. How is it that, for a subset of people who define themselves by their sensitivity and depth, it can feel so difficult to find relationships that aren’t centered on networking and shallow small talk?Sur...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: All the World’s a Stage… When’s Intermission?
Sometimes it gets to feeling like the acts we put on pervade well beyond the literal stage. In an age where we feel like the eyes of the world are always upon us (at least in our heads), it can become difficult to know who we are underneath it ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: You Are Not Your Art
Episode 4: You Are Not Your ArtWhy does it matter so much that others like our art ? Sure, we can all cling to the rational platitudes of “it doesn’t matter, so long as we personally love what we’re doing,” but let’s face it, it still h...
Season 1

Episode 3: "Holi-choly" aka, Holly Jolly Melancholy...examined, part 2.
Pt 2: New Year, Same Me‘Tis (still) the season! In this follow up holiday episode, Brett and John shift their rambling from the past-looking pathos of Christmas to the futile futurism of New Years—for what better cure for spending anothe...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 2: "Holi-choly" aka, Holly Jolly Melancholy...examined, part 1.
Pt. 1: Walking Backwards Through Life’Tis the season! On this two-part episode, Brett and John sing the holiday blues—not literally, thank goodness—and attempt to get to the bottom of that subtle, unspoken sadness that always seems to u...
Season 1
Episode 2