
Episode 13: Don't Look Back In Anger?

Brett Ryan Stewart, John Dennis Season 2 Episode 13

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We all have moments in our lives that we look back on and cringe. Maybe it’s a legitimate regret at an opportunity we wish our previous self had taken or a situation we could have handled differently. Maybe it’s something as truly heinous as telling the cashier at the movie theater “you too” when they tell you to enjoy your movie (who even does that!?!), but how useful is it to get angry about it now? 

In this episode of Nah-cademics, Brett and John dive headfirst into the “deep” end (they tell themselves) of this tendency towards replaying past missteps and drowning in the could have beens. 

-Is there any value in weighing the past events of our lives against our current context and getting angry when they inevitably don’t balance out? Can one legitimately find peace in seeing those past mistakes as an essential part of a better present?

-What does a healthy relationship with the past look like? Where can the middle road between totally dissociating from the shames of our past and the emotionally charged constant perpetuation of that shame be found? 

-If Brett and John hadn’t made all the so-called mistakes they now overthink, would they have ended up feeling the need to make an amateur podcast? Will they look back on this and cringe? 

As always, this podcast offers no definitive answers to these questions (except maybe that last one. Answer: unfortunately for you, we’ll never know, but yea *cringe*), it is but a rambling reminiscence. However, if you find yourself tossed about by the waves of wishing things had gone differently, we hope you find a buoy here—or at least a couple more people to flounder in the pool with. 

Come, overthink with us!
Wirebird Productions