
Episode 16: Perfecting Your Perfectionism

Brett Ryan Stewart, John Dennis Season 2 Episode 16

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Though it’s safe to say that, if you’re listening to this podcast, you’re day isn’t going perfectly, are you the type that’s bothered by that sort of thing? How often do you find yourself chained by the exhausting anxiety of perfectionism? Do you find your joy spoiled and your peace sapped when your endeavors inevitably don’t go precisely as your mind says they should? Join the club—we’re still working the kinks out and, you know, it’s probably not the most well organized club you’ve ever been in, but like, in our heads it looked a lot cooler…

On this episode of Nah-cademics, Brett and John try to flawlessly depict that subtle, relentless urge to do everything “right”—be it creating universally beloved art, being liked by literally everyone, or trying to make your voice sound even one iota less embarrassing on a microphone while discussing the potential benefits of perfectionism. 

-What preconceived notions do we have about perfectionism, and how does considering its five types help us to avoid the heinous cycle of using our own tendency towards perfectionism as more evidence of our imperfection?

-Does the process of healing from our perfectionism mean trying to pretend it isn’t there, settling, or growing out of it--is that even possible? Or are there ways we can view it as an innate quality that can be used to our advantage as opposed to our destruction?

-Given that these descriptions are usually not proofread, does the author (whose name rhymes with Don Jennis) ever worry that he’ll be deemed a moron if anyone actually reads them? 

As always, this podcast offers no definitive answers to these questions (except that last one: Yes, but he’s super confident that the actual audio of each episode will make you think otherwise… lmao) it is but the flawed flailing of two overly self-conscious friends. However, if you find yourself constantly grading all of your interactions, successes, and situations against an impossible rubric of idealized reality, this podcast is for you.

Come, overthink with us!
Wirebird Productions