We don't know. Now you won't either.
There is no expertise to be found here; it is but the spinning of wheels. What can be found, however, is two clueless troubadours asking some of the questions you might have felt like you were the only one asking.
Come, overthink with us.
Episode 17: The Ego Orbit aka NARCISSISTS
You know the type. Sometimes when we find ourselves hurling sheepishly through our own galaxy wondering if there’s any other life out there, and, if there is, whether they’ll find any priceless minerals beneath our stony exterior—yep, really going for it with the comet metaphor. However, sometimes we might find our celestial path caught in the gravitational pull of a proud and boisterous (gaseous?) giant and spend our days stuck in its orbit. Okay, that’s enough.
On this episode of Nah-cademics, Brett and John discuss those extreme personalities we encounter which can sometimes eclipse (okay, but for real though) our own worth, our own needs, and our own visions for our life. The idea isn’t necessarily to demonize high ego individuals, but rather to discern what a healthy relationship can look like which celebrates the confidently well endowed among us while also protecting and celebrating those of us who are more modestly endowed. It is after all, not the size of the boat, but the… okay, actually you know what, let’s go back to the space metaphors.
-How can one discern whether they’re caught in the orbit of someone whose ego is overpowering their ability to take good care of themselves?
-What does a healthy confidence level look like? How much of our tendency towards handing our power over to those more outwardly confident than us is our responsibility to change?
-Do Brett and John realize the paradox between the inherent ego required to host an opinion based discussion podcast and what has to be a painfully humbling reality of having their names on this?
As always, this podcast offers no definitive answers to these questions; (well except maybe that last one. Answer: yes, obviously, we just try to balance it out with space metaphors and putting our names on amateur music as well!) it is but the mumbles of humbles—thanks, pretty proud of that one. However, if you find yourself endlessly losing your own star’s shine while getting sucked into the black hole of big egos, this podcast is for you… okay, metaphors over.
Come, overthink with us!